Holidays can be a time of dread for those who want to create and keep that healthy lifestyle. Filled with an over abundance of food, get togethers, treats, chocolate, candy and indulging. It can be easy to push the F it button and try to restart in January. I want us to get rid of that all or nothing mentality, thinking long term progress not perfection. Listed below I hope you will find helpful some great tips to help you stay on track, continue to achieve your goals and feel positive and motivated over the holidays.
1. Remember your WHY? Write out your why and post it on your fridge in your bathroom or bedroom. Let’s bring to focus WHY you are on this journey in the first place.
2. Drink plenty of water. Make sure to keep your water intake up as sometimes we can think we are hungry when we are just dehydrated. If you are still hungry after some water, then eat.
3. Keep hunger in check. Make sure you are having that healthy snack between meals; this will keep your metabolism up as well as prevent you from over eating when your starving.
4. Fill up on veggies. Veggies are the free macros/calories, yes even carrots, so fill up on these, colour your plate. This will help you keep your fiber intake high as well as give you micronutrients you need to stay healthy and have great energy.
5. Enjoy in moderation. Do not deprive yourself. Have that chocolate or baked treat, lets just keep it realistic. If we eat too many we may not reach our goals and our body wont feel good. How ever enjoying in moderation is ok and we need to change the story we tell ourselves. I would suggest sitting down at the table and enjoying the treat, not eating on the run or standing, we want to pay attention to the texture, taste and really enjoy it.
6. Stay active. Get moving. 30 minutes a day is manageable and realistic, more is a bonus.
7. Plan ahead. With all the get togethers, dinners out how can we control what we eat? If you are heading to a restaurant look up the menu ahead of time and plan the rest of your meals accordingly. DO NOT go to the restaurant starving. If you are heading to a friends try to fill your plate with some healthier choices and then some not so healthy things.
8. Remember the reasons we eat. We eat for FUEL, we eat for FUN and we EAT to NUMB/COPE. Pay attention to what’s going on for you. With awareness comes growth and change. Journal if you need or want to. We are changing our relationship with food, this takes time, patience and giving ourselves grace and encouragement through out.
9. Meal Prep and keep it simple. When we are unprepared and hungry we tend to make bad decisions and be tempted by unhealthy treats. We may be stressed, busy at work or home late. If we have a quick and healthy meal sitting in the fridge we are more likely to go for that then order in. Keep recipes easy and simple.
10. Reach out! I’m here for you!!! Text, email, or call. Lets talk it through, set you up for success and just know you have a cheerleader in your corner 😊
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday!
With love, AMBER